What is a weed?
A weed is a plant that has gone beyond its acceptable normal distribution due to human caused activities, such as illegal dumping of green waste,planting weedy species in gardens or seed dispersion from the agricultural industry. Invasive weeds require treatment actions to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and economy. High priority weeds managed by the City of Greater Geraldton include African Boxthorn, Prickly Pear and Golden Crownbeard.
Whose Weed is it?
The control of weeds are the responsibility of the landowner. The City's Pest Plants Local Law 2011 identifies four plant species of particular importance in the local area: African Boxthorn, Caltrop, Fountain grass and Verbesina (also known as Golden Crown Beard). These species are highly invasive and difficult to control. More here
The responsibility of the City of Greater Geraldton extends from managing its own lands to enabling and encouraging the responsible management of lands owned by public and private landholders. Communication with, and assistance of other stakeholders will increase management effort, but also ensure an alignment of priorities and methods amongst land managers to increase efficient control measures.
Read the City's Pest and Weed Management Framework here
Awareness and Education
Increasing awareness of the importance of managing weed species is critical. This can occur through educational programs outlining the species of significance, their impacts and control methods, and the responsibility of landholders to manage weeds on their land.
The City of Greater Geraldton have collaborated with the community to run the successful 'Boxthorn Blitz Program'. The program was developed in conjunction with the Northern Agricultural Catchment Council (NACC) to combat African Boxthorn, Lycium ferocissimum, a weed of national significance and a species listed in the Pest Plant Local Law (2011).
Free community Boxthorn Blitz workshops are held regularly in the cooler months. The workshops are designed to educate the public on African Boxthorn and best practice management techniques. Members of the public are provided with a kit (the Boxthorn Blitz Bag) at completion of a workshop to facilitate treatment of plants within private and community land. Initiatives such as this aim to increase community understanding, engagement and accountability for managing weeds across the region.

Useful Resources
- MyPestGuide family of apps to report, map and learn about pests. Images will be sent to experts for verification, who will respond to your enquiry.
- Weeds of National Significance Weeds Australia
Report a Problem
Best practice is to use the MyPestGuide Reporter App for reporting exotic pests.