Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to submit with my application?

Please refer to the individual vacancy application for details on what needs to be provided with your application.

Can I submit an application if there are no vacancies being advertised?

If there are no suitable vacancies listed, you can submit an Expression of Interest. Attach an up-to-date resume. Where prompted, please provide relevant information outlining what sort of positions you are interested in, your availability, preferred hours of work etc.

Applications will be kept on file for three (3) months. In submitting your application, you consent to being contacted during this period.

Please note, all permanent vacancies are advertised and not recruited through general expression of interest applications. If there are currently no suitable vacancies, please check back from time to time.

Does the City assess a person's fitness for work?

The City of Greater Geraldton has an ongoing commitment to create and maintain a safe working environment. This includes the obligations under the Work Health & Safety Act 2020. The employees of the City also have a responsibility to maintain personal 'fitness for work' so that they are performing their duties in a safe, efficient and productive manner. Completion of a pre-employment medical may be required for some positions, and all positions at the City are subject to a pre-employment alcohol and other substances test.

How do I find out more information about the job?

Firstly, ensure that you have read the position advertisement and position description carefully.

The Hiring Manager’s contact details will be listed within the advertisement and can be contacted for questions specifically about the role.

What should I do if I need further assistance with my application?

The City is unable to give specific advice or assistance with job applications in the interests of fairness to all applicants. General advice only may be obtained from Human Resources on (08) 9956 6600. 

Can I submit a hard copy application?

It is preferred that all applications are received via the City's online application process. In exceptional circumstances, hard copy applications may be accepted - please contact Human Resources on (08) 9956 6600. 

Can I submit a late application?

Positions will be removed from the website once the closing date has passed. It will be at their discretion whether to accept the late applications. Please contact Human Resources on (08) 9956 6600. 

What if my application is incomplete?

Only complete applications containing all required documentation will be reviewed by the recruitment panel. 

I changed my mind about applying for a job – how do I withdraw my application?

To withdraw an application, please email City of Greater Geraldton and quote the position name and reference number that you applied for.

How will I know my application has been received?

You will receive an automated email to the email address supplied in your application confirming your application has been registered.

If you have not received a confirmation of receipt within an hour, please ensure you check your spam folder, and then contact Human Resources on (08) 9956 6600.

When will my application be reviewed?

Applications will generally not be reviewed until after the closing date of the position, unless otherwise advised.

Will I receive notification if my application is unsuccessful?

If you are not successful in obtaining an interview for a role, you will receive confirmation that you have not been successful via the email address supplied in your application.