Change of Address Form Use this form if you wish to notify us of a change of address. Simply complete each field below and then hit the 'Submit' button. Your full name:*This field is required. * Required Field. Business name (if applicable): Property address:*This field is required. * Required Field.* Please enter a valid address New residential address:*This field is required. * Required Field.* Please enter a valid address Is your postal address the same as your new residential address:*This field is required. YesNo Please enter your postal address: * * Required Field. Daytime contact number:*This field is required. * Required Field.* Please enter a valid contact number. Alternative contact number: * Please enter a valid contact number. Your email address: * Please enter a valid email address Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): Is the address to be changed for all parties on the property?*This field is required. YesNo * Required Field. Please identify the Council Associations for your mailing address:*This field is required. Rates Dogs/Cats Health Accounts/Finance Aquarena QPT Libraries Art Gallery Comments: Type the code from the image: Do not fill this textbox.