African Reef Cycle Path Upgrade

The cycle path located behind the African Reef Hotel that connects Upton Court to Willcock Drive will be upgraded to make it easier and safer to use. More here

Currently, the natural gradient of the hillside makes the existing path steep and difficult for riders to maintain slower speeds and stop quickly of required.

Path entrance

Construction of a 203m long and 3m wide concrete shared path will reduce the slope of the existing path and remove a sharp curve making it easier and safer to use by pedestrians and riders alike.

The design also includes a handrail to assist pedestrians and riders who may need help getting up and down the path.

To ensure community safety during construction, the path will be closed to the public with a detour in place.

The $350,000 project is joint funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase Four providing $167,293.

Path Design

IMAGE: Upgraded  shared path design.

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