FOGO Trial Results

On 25 June 2024, Council determined at their Ordinary Meeting to conclude the FOGO trial that had been in operation since early 2020. Council Meeting Agenda here
The trial was undertaken for the City to gain a better understanding of the level of household interest in waste separation and the overall costs involved with the kerbside collection of FOGO waste as waste modelling suggested up to 40% of rubbish in residents’ bins was organic.
The trial involved 500 randomly selected residential properties from across the City who were delivered a free 240litre, lime green lidded rubbish bin for the weekly collection of all FOGO waste and a kitchen caddy to collect FOGO waste in their home and transport to their FOGO bin.
The data collected over the duration of the FOGO trial revealed there was a lower than expected level of household interest to separate their organic waste and higher than expected costs associated with a two-bin kerbside FOGO waste collection service.
Trial results showed that although some participants transitioned easily to the two bin system, on average, over the trial period only 58% put their FOGO bins out for collection every week.
High contamination rates, which only improved short term when bin audits and bin tagging was undertaken, resulted in significantly increased costs in sorting and preparing the waste for processing. Some of the typical FOGO bin contaminants that needed to be removed from FOGO waste before it could be processed included nappies, drink containers and plastic packaging.
The development of Australian Standard compost from FOGO waste, which would have offset some of the costs also proved problematic. As the City does not have access to screening, plant and equipment or other composting products required to make compliant compost, the material had to be transported to a dedicated facility nearly 350kms away.
What happens to FOGO waste now?
The City is looking to hold a home composting workshop in the coming months. If you’re interested, please contact to register and receive information when a time and date have been confirmed. FOGO trial participants will have priority in participating in this event.
FOGO Bin Collection
In July 2024, the FOGO bins, which belong to the City, were collected by the City's waste contractor.
Participants who still have their bins are requested to contact the City so arrangements can be made to collect the FOGO bin.