Crossovers and Verges
A crossover is the driveway access from the kerb or edge of the road to the front boundary of the property. A constructed crossover prevents erosion and hazards for motorists, such as gravel washing onto the road and blocking the drainage system. Although a crossover is located within the road reserve, it is the responsibility of the property owner to construct and maintain it. Property owners need to select a contractor to construct their crossover in accordance with the City’s specifications below.
An application for the construction of a crossover to a proposed new dwelling is to be submitted to the City for approval prior to an application for a building permit being lodged with the City’s Building Surveying Team. Please refer to the Crossover Permit Application Guide and Checklist.
Crossover application and specification documents can be downloaded from the Infrastructure Services Online Forms page.
Verge Bonds
A verge bond may apply in some cases were there is a risk of damage to the City’s infrastructure (please refer to the City’s Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2011).
The Verge Bond Return Application (ISE03) can be downloaded from Infrastructure Services Online Forms.
For further information on any of the above please contact City's Engineering Services Department on (08) 9956 6600.
Verges and Street Trees
The verge area in front of your property is owned by the Crown and it is the City’s responsibility to ensure that verge area is not mistreated or damaged and any utilities located underneath the area are protected.
Approval from the City is not required before any landscaping on the verge is undertaken, as long as the property owner does the work in accordance with the City’s specifications.
View the Verge Treatment Guidelines here. For more information on verge treatment specifications please contact the Infrastructure Department on 9956 6600.
Street Tree Management
The City recognises the significance of street trees within the urban setting in terms of creating functional and aesthetic streetscapes and has the responsibility for the planning, establishment and maintenance of all street trees in the municipality.
You can register your interest to have a street tree planted on your verge. Please contact the City’s Infrastructure Services Department on (08) 9956 6600 for more information.
View the Street Tree Management Specification.
Your Street Verge
The City provides information for residents who may not be sure of property boundaries, entitlements and responsibility for care and maintenance of street verges and other information such as:
- Fencing
- Street lawns and gardens
- Other verge covering materials
- Verge obstructions not permitted
- Crossovers
- Street lights
- Verge stopping and parking local laws
- Street trees rubbish disposal
- Storing material on a street
For further information contact the City's Infrastructure Services Department on (08) 9956 6600.