Access and inclusion
On this page: Advocating for Disability | Customer support | Disability parking in Geraldton | Changing Places amenities | Recharge stations | Rights for people with disability | Other information
The City is committed to facilitating the inclusion of people with disabilities by developing and improving its access to services, facilities, programs and events. The whole community benefits from better designed communal spaces and adopting the principles of universal access design, and our commitment is to administer best practice principles through the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan to continually develop accessibility to a high standard.
The DAIP outlines the City strategies and plans of action to provide equitable access to the City’s facilities and services. As a five-year plan, it will be reviewed regularly by the working group to monitor its progress and evaluate new initiatives and make recommendations.
Advocating for disability
The City encourages the community and commercial sectors to provide for the needs of people with disability. We can assist with advice or direct you to advisory services on a range of information including accessible building requirements and features, strategy development, web access features, and access parking requirements by contacting us (08) 9956 6600 or by emailing
The Access Hub is a vital resource to help you connect with local services, including the National Relay Service.
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Customer support
The City can provide documents in large print or as an audio file on request to support communication. Viable support aids can be determined on a need basis to best suit.
Additionally, several staff have basic keyword sign language skills to assist customers who have a hearing impairment or comprehension difficulties at some of our City facilities such as the Civic Centre, and the Geraldton Regional Library.
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Accesible parking in Geraldton
The City provides parking concessions for ACROD permit parking. For further information, visit the Parking in Geraldton webpage.
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Changing Places Amenities
The City is pleased to provide a changing place which is a secure and clean bathroom specifically designed for people who need space and assistance to manage their bathroom needs while in the community, and for whom universal access toilets are not suitable.
Known as the Changing Places facility, it is located on the Foreshore near the Original Railway Station, 246 Marine Terrace. This building offers ACROD parking and an accessible pathway direct to the amenities.
Access is via a Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK), which is available at Sail Inn Snack bar, Civic Centre, Geraldton Multipurpose Centre, and Two Foreshore Café.
To apply for a key at the City of Greater Geraldton you will need to apply in person at the Customer Experience counter at the Civic Centre, where you will be asked to complete the form and provide photo ID. An applicant can be a user, carer, or organisation and you will be periodically surveyed by email on your usage to retain the need for a key.
Alternatively you can apply directly to the Master Locksmiths website via their MLAK order form.
The MLAK key will provide access to Changing Places amenities throughout Australia.

An outside shot of the Changing Places facility located on the Geraldton Foreshore.
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Recharge stations
The City provides recharge points for anyone using electric scooters, gophers and wheelchairs. The aim is to improve access to the City and its attractions, and recharge points to support people to be out and about without having to worry about running out of battery power.
A recharge point is an accessible power point that is designated for recharge purposes and made available to people who use electric scooters, gophers or wheelchairs. A typical user may travel some distance from home and have a full day of activities, and being able to make the return trip home safely is a major concern.
THere are 240 volt recharge points available in secure locations located at the Geraldton Regional Library and the QEII Seniors and Community Centre.
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Rights for people with disability
The Australian Human Rights Commission leads the implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to stop disability discrimination. The Act promotes equal rights and opportunity and access for people with disabilities.
To make a complaint about discrimination and breaches of human rights, visit the Australian Human Rights Commission website.
People With Disabilities (WA) Inc. represents and speaks for the rights and equal treatment of all Western Australians with a disability. For more information, visit the PWdWA website.
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Other Information
National Relay Service: The National Relay Service provides an Australia-wide telephone service to those who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, they also service those who wish to make a phone call to those who are deaf or suffer from a hearing or speech impairment.
The group has two 24-hour relay call numbers available to phone:
TTY/voice calls – 133 677 |
Speak and listen – 1300 555 727 | SMS relay – 0423 677 767.
Or visit the Accesshub -
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