Golden Crownbeard
Golden Crownbeard (Verbicina encelioides) is a weed found in abundance around the Geraldton City region. There is abundant literature on Golden Crownbeard available on the internet including a brochure by the Department of Environment and Conservation (now Department of Parks and Wildlife) See brochure here
The weed can flower all year round depending on rainfall but Crownbeard's peak flowering time is spring and summer. This weed can produce many seeds per plant which can stay dormant in the soil for up to 5 years. Crownbeard prevent native species from re-establishing and displace native vegetation. The plant can cause stock loses due to its toxic nature. Read a Geraldton based article on Crownbeard impact on livestock and the environment here
The control of Golden Crownbeard is the responsibility of the landowner, and everyone can help. The City's goals are to protect high value conservation areas and limit the further spread of Golden Crownbeard. Read more here Whose weed is it?

Joint Position Statement regarding Golden Crownbeard
The City of Greater Geraldton and the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia have issued a joint position Statement regarding Golden Crownbeard.
DAFWA's position
Crownbeard is not a weed of national significance.
Crownbeard is not declared a pest species under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management (BAM) Act 2007. Therefore there is no legislative basis for any regulatory intervention from DAFWA.
Crownbeard will not be considered a candidate for declaration as a pest under the BAM Act because its impact does not significantly threaten agricultural production in Western Australia.
The responsibility to control the weed lies with the landholder.
City's Position
The City is reviewing its verge management strategy to see how it can improve the control of Crownbeard.
Crownbeard can be controlled by physical and chemical means and control is most effective when it is:
- carried out before the plant sets seed
- combination of different methods are used
- efforts are continued over a number of years to remove any remaining generations of seedlings.