Glenfield Beach Drive Shared Path
For more many years the community has been requesting an off-road shared path that will enable people to ride or walk from Drummond Cove to Sunset Beach. This path is also identified as a priority in the Geraldton 2050 Cycling Strategy.
During the last State election the Government made a $4.3 million commitment to expand the City’s Cycling Network by an additional 8.3kms of shared paths. Part of this funding, $220,000, was used to design and construct the off-road Glenfield Beach Drive Shared Path. More here
This 380m long and 2.5m wide shared path along the south side of Glenfield Beach Drive ensures cyclists and pedestrians can safely travel between Hillview Drive and Chapman Road and eventually onto the soon to be constructed Chapman Road Shared Path. More here
The Glenfield Beach Drive Shared Path connects the existing footpaths located west of the Chapman Road roundabout and Hillview Drive. The project is part of the Geraldton Cycling Expansion Project.
Image: Location of Glenfield Beach Drive Share Path.
The shared path features a buffer area between the path and vehicles driving along the road.
Image: Shared path/road cross section.