Aquarena Outdoor Pool Upgrade
Built in 1970, the 50 year old 50m outdoor pool has reached its end of life and in September 2021 a major upgrade to the facility which will extended its use for another 20 years began. More here
In early 2022, construction on the 70% completed project was suspended when Cyclone Charlotte caused damage to the works. A significant amount of storm water entered the excavation around the repaired pool shell which caused the pool to float. When the water subsided and the pool settled, cracking to the concrete floor occurred. The City has since been in discussions with insurers to assess the damage and lodge an insurance claim. More here
Rather than waiting for the insurance claim to be resolved, in November 2022, Council decided to proceed with repairs so that the outdoor pool can return to service as soon as possible. More here
Project FAQs
Project works involve the replacement of the pool’s concrete walls that have deteriorated, the installation of disability access ramps and stairs, the complete retiling of the pool and greatly needed infrastructure upgrades including a new water treatment plant, drainage and hydraulic systems.
Although the City would have preferred not to close the pool over the summer months, the contractor’s scheduling, availability of materials, resources and the lengthy construction time frame of ten months needed to complete the works have impacted the project delivery timeline.
To ensure the various user groups of the outdoor pool can still deliver their programs Aquarena staff have worked closely with them to develop a schedule for the 25m indoor pool.
Both indoor pools will be busier than usual during the works but the revised schedule still includes time slots allocated for lane swimming and equipment hire. To avoid any disappointment members of the community are encouraged to contact the pool before heading to the facility to ensure lanes are available and those planning a birthday party should book in early.
The outdoor pool upgrade is being undertaken by Cooper & Oxley, a commercial construction company experienced in the specialised field of aquatic facility construction and refurbishment. They have engaged Commercial Aquatics Australia, one of the largest and most experienced specialist aquatic facility contractors in Australia, as their project partners.
The $6.1 million project is joint funded with the State Government’s Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund contributing $750,000 towards the works.

Image: 50m Outdoor Pool

Frequently Asked Questions
Project Background
Pool Availability and Opening Times
Swimming and Group Fitness Information
Availability of Other Aquarena Facilities
Download a PDF of the FAQS here
Pool Availability and Opening Times
Will the rest of the Aqarena still be open?
Yes, the indoor pools will remain open during the works and the rest of the facility will operate as normal with the various water sports club s utilising the 25m indoor pool for training and gamed during the summer months. A schedule of pool activities and free time is available on the Aquarena website here
Will the opening hours change?
The City is currently reviewing extending the opening hours to provide sporting groups who use the outdoor pool over the summer months for training and games with access to the indoor pool for these activities.
How will I know if I can use the 25m indoor pool?
A schedule of weekly activities will be available on the Aquarena website. To avoid disappointment, please check the pool schedule before heading to the Aquarena or phone 9956 6906.
Will the leisure pool or hydro therapy pool be impacted by the closure?
These pools will operate as usual. However, they may be busier than before due to the closure of the outdoor pool. Booking will be esential to use the hydro therapy pool.
Can I still book a birthday party at the pool?
Yes, birthdays can still be celebrated at the pool. However, given the 25m indoor pool will be busier than usual, there will be limited time slots available to hire equipment. To avoid disappointment, contact pool staff well in advance to secure a booking. Phone 9956 6906.
Swimming and Group Fitness Information
Will there still be swimming lessons?
Yes, swimming lessons will continue as usual.
Will lessons remain at the same time?
Unfortunately due to ongoing bookings by user groups who normally use the outdoor pool some lesson times may need to be changed. There will be a similar spread of available program times however get in early to secure your preferred lesson time. We will be contacting patrons who may have to change their lessons.
Will Aqua group fitness classes be affected?
No, classes will continue to be held, however their times may change so the facility can accommodate all user groups.
Will entry prices/multi swim passes be discounted during construction?
No, the leisure pool and 25m indoor pool will still be available and lanes will also still be available for exercise.
Can I suspend my visit pass?
Yes you can. Please contact the Aquarena on 9956 6906 and customer service staff for more details.
Will schools still be able to hold their Carnivals?
Due to limited space alternative arrangements are being arranged with schools. Each school will determine whether or not their carnival will proceed.
Availability of Other Aquarena Facilities
Will the patio area and BBQs still be available?
Due to the proximity of construction, which will be loud and dusty during the works, the BBQs and outdoor seating will not be available.
Will the volleyball court still be available?
Yes it will.
Will the creche still be available?
Yes it will.
Will the carpark be reduced in size during the works?
Yes, a few parking spaces will be required for a construction site office and lay down area. Overflow parking will be available at the Little Athletics Oval on busy days.
Will the cafe still be open?
Yes it will.
Project Background
What works are included in the upgrade?
Works include the replacement of the pool’s concrete walls that have deteriorated, the installation of disability access ramps and stairs, the complete retiling of the pool and greatly needed infrastructure upgrades including a new water treatment plant, drainage and hydraulic systems.
Why not just build a new pool rather than fix the existing one?
The estimated cost of building a new facility exceeds $10million and is not a viable option within the City's long-term financial plan. By upgrading the existing pool, the use of the facility can be extended for another 20 years which aligns it with then expected end of life with the remainder of the Aquarena. This will enable the Council of the day to determine if the Aquarena still meets community demand or a different or larger facility will be required.
Why close the outdoor pool during the summer?
Although the City would have preferred not to close the pool over the summer months, the contractor’s scheduling, availability of materials, resources and the lengthy construction time frame of ten months needed to complete the works have impacted the project delivery timeline.