Meru Waste Facility Cell Five Construction Project
Construction of Cell 5 at the Meru Waste Facility by local contractor WBHO was completed in late 2019. More here
A new cell was needed as the current waste disposal cells at the Meru Waste Facility were predicted to be full by 2020. The construction of a new cell, or pit, and septage pond will allowed the community to continue to dispose of Class 3 Waste (contaminated waste and liquid waste ponds) into the future. It also allows neighbouring shires to continue to dispose their general waste and liquid waste into the future with disposal fees that generate Council income.
To reduce the impacts on the surrounding environment, all landfill cells must be lined with an appropriate leachate system installed in accordance with the Department of Water, Environment and Regulation requirements. Leachate is liquid released by or water that has percolated through waste and contains some of the waste constituents. At Meru, leachate results from precipitation entering the landfill.
Cell 5 is lined with clay, geosynthetic, high-density polyethylene and geotextile layers and a pump system to remove leachate liquid into ponds where it can evaporate.
Construction of Cell 5 at Meru cost $4.8 million.
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