Strategic Community Plan Review FAQs
What is the purpose of a Strategic Community Plan?
A Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the most significant local government document that through deliberate engagement with a broad section of the community captures their long-term aspirations for where they live, work and play. aspirations
The Plan describes the vision the City will stive to achieve over the next ten years, where it will focus its efforts and how it will measure progress. The plan is used to build a ‘road map’ that leads towards the vision.
The ‘road map’ is the City’s Corporate Business Plan that outlines in detail which actions, plans, projects and strategies will be used to deliver the community’s vision for the future.
How often is the Strategic Community Plan reviewed?
The development and review of a SCP is a statutory requirement of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The Local Government Act requires the SCP to have a minor review every two years and a full review every four years to ensure its relevance and responsiveness.
What is the purpose of the current consultation?
It’s been four years since Council adopted the Greater Geraldton 2031 Strategic Community Plan so the City needs to check in with the community to see if the long-term aspirations, priorities and vision for future captured in the SCP are still accurate. If they are not, the plan will need to be revised to ensure the projects, programs, plans and services the City and Council will be providing over the next decade reflect these changes.
Has there been any community consultation yet?
Over the past 18 months the City has consulted with the community to develop a suite of plans and strategies including the Reconciliation Action Plan, Access and Inclusion Plan, Youth Strategy, Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan and the Art Gallery Strategic Plan. The results of the engagement undertaken to develop these plans and strategies will help inform the major review of the SCP.
However, this is only just the beginning and over the coming weeks there will be many more opportunities for the community to engage with the City.
How can Mullewa residents get involved?
One of our Community Conversations was held in Mullewa on Monday 25 November from 3.30pm-6.30pm at the Recreation Centre. Community members dropped in at the event and chatted with the project team about the recently completed Mullewa Community Development Plan and shared any additional ideas and aspirations they may have to be included in the Strategic Community Plan.
Residents were also invited to take part in two online community workshops from the comfort of their own home.