Potential Coastal Adaptation Projects
Bluff Point Foreshore Coastal Adaptation Investigations
Drummond Cove Boat Launching Facility Concept Design
Bluff Point Foreshore Coastal Adaptation Investigations
The Bluff Point coastline was identified in the Geraldton Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP) as being at risk from coastal erosion over the immediate planning time frame to 2030.
Photo: Bluff Point Northern Foreshore

In early 2020, the City engaged M P Rogers and Associates to investigate and provide advice on potential coastal adaptation options for the Bluff Point foreshore. The report identified two locations at southern and northern ends of the foreshore that may require coastal adaptation works to help manage these coastal hazards.
Read the Bluff Point Coastal Adaptation Options Assessment Report here
The City has since completed its investigation into the installation of a low-crest GSC groyne in the area north of Frederick Street to provide 'no regrets' coastal resilience to the northern section of the Bluff Point foreshore near the Chapman River mouth. The concept design for the groyne is similar to the ones installed at St Georges Beach, Sunset Beach and Drummond Cove. The groyne would also be complemented by sand nourishment to replenish the foreshore.
Image: CONCEPT DESIGN of the Bluff Point North GSC groyne

Due to the proximity to the river mouth, which contains a threatened ecological community (TEC) and acid sulfate soils further environmental investigations were required to see if the concept design could be progressed. This was to ascertain whether a low crest groyne at this location would have any direct or indirect impacts to the TEC or the acid sulfate soils.
Read the initial impact assessment here
Read the detailed Chapman River Sand Bar assessment here
As a result of the environmental investigations it was identified a groyne at this location would indirectly impact the TEC through changes to the Chapman River sand bar and associated the hydrology/tidal movements.
The project was therefore not progressed. The City is working on investigating other coastal adaptation treatments through a Coastal Management Plan and Assistance Program (CMPAP) grant awarded through the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
Drummond Cove Boat Launching Facility Concept Design
For many years, the community has been requesting the informal boat launch located south of the John Batten Community Hall on Whitehill Road be formalised.
In recent years, the shoreline fronting Whitehill Road has come under erosive pressure that requires mitigation to reduce further coastal erosion. This erosion is also impacting the accessibility of the informal boat launch.
In 2021, the State Government allocated $3.2 million in the 2021/2022 WA State Budget to manage coastal erosion at Drummond Cove and improve community recreation facilities. They also began further investigations into potentially constructing a boat ramp to the north of the Community Hall.
These initial investigations, undertaken by the State Government, and the preliminary data collected during the investigation, suggested a rock wall would be required to protect a boat ramp from swell, surge and storm action. Read the Drummond Cove Boat Launching Facility Concept Design Report 2021 here
As the estimated cost to build the required infrastructure exceeds the State Government funding allocated towards coastal projects in Drummond Cove, the decision was made to engage the community on whether or not the funding should be used to progress a boat ramp or if it should be used for other coastal recreation facilities in the suburb.
The City partnered with the Drummond Cove Progress Association to conduct a community survey.The majority of the survey respondents supported the construction of a boat ramp in Drummond Cove.
Read the Drummond Cove Coastal Recreation Facilities Survey Report here
Image: Drummond Cove Boat Launch CONCEPT DESIGN and LAYOUT (see report) modeled on a submission by the Drummond Cove Progress Association Boat Ramp Sub-Committee.