Published on Thursday, 7 December 2023 at 8:00:24 AM
Recycling your empty 10 cent drink containers while enjoying the Foreshore just got a whole lot easier with collection baskets installed at eight locations along the Promenade.
The City of Greater Geraldton will trial the baskets for six months to monitor usage and performance.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Jerry Clune said the baskets were a win-win for the community.
“These baskets give everyone the option to save their drink containers from going to landfill by throwing them into the white baskets for recycling and not in the rubbish bin,” he said.
“Anyone who values the containers stored in the open baskets can simply remove them and take them to a Containers For Change facility and collect the deposits.
“We urge the community to do the right thing by only putting eligible containers in the collection baskets.
“If the trial is successful Council could consider rolling out further container exchange points at other locations in the City,” Mayor Clune added.
Containers for Change is a state-wide recycling scheme where you can collect a 10 cent refund per eligible container returned to Containers for Change drop off centres located at 8 Bradford Street in Wonthella and the Ritgers IGA carpark on Durlacher Street.
Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard drink containers that are 150ml to 3L in size can be returned for a refund. Just check for the 10¢ mark on your container.

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