Published on Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at 3:56:24 PM

The City is continuing its journey towards environmental sustainability with recent upgrades to lighting and irrigation systems to save energy and water.
Aged metal halide light fixtures in Grams Park in Rangeway and in the Eighth Street sports precinct carpark have been replaced with energy efficient LED lights whilst eight parks and sporting ovals are being fitted with a new centrally controlled irrigation system.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said the changes would help reduce the City’s yearly operating costs.
“The replacement of the 250W metal halide light fixtures with 125W LEDs has reduced the energy consumption of these lights by 58 per cent or more than $3000 per annum,” he said.
“The savings will continue to increase when the remaining eight fixtures adjacent to the Eighth Street tennis court carpark are changed over next financial year.
“The installation of irrigation controllers with rain water sensors which are connected via the ‘virtual cloud’ will enable greater control over the watering of sporting grounds and public open space as staff can adjust, start and stop watering programs from anywhere using mobile devices or computers.
“It’s estimated the new system will save at least 10 per cent in scheme water consumption and an additional 10 per cent in energy savings through a reduction in bore pump running times,” he added.
These changes also directly align with Council’s sustainability and climate change policies, which were developed to future proof the City.
“Reducing our carbon footprint whilst ensuring water is used efficiently are critical steps we must all make to benefit our future generations,” Mayor Van Styn said.
Remote irrigation controllers are being installed in Muir Park, Alexander Park, Greenough Oval, Eadon Clarke Sports Park, Town Foreshore parks, Maitland Park and on 75 per cent of the Wonthella Oval.
New LED light fixtures at the Eighth Street sports precinct carpark.
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