Published on Friday, 5 February 2021 at 12:07:21 PM
Revitalisation of a section of Chapman Road in the CBD is about to see a 12 month tactical activation pilot to turn it into a place for people and not just cars.
The City of Greater Geraldton will deliver the project in partnership with RAC through its Reconnect WA initiative which aims to create vibrant streets and public spaces for Western Australians to interact and connect.
The project will look at how the existing road width between Cathedral Avenue and Durlacher Street could be reconfigured to activate the street by attracting more foot and bike traffic into the area. Tactical activation or urbanism, is about repurposing underutilised spaces by creating comfortable and exciting places and streets for people to enjoy.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said he is excited about the pilot project which will use low-cost materials to trial another aspect of the Geraldton City Centre Revitalisation Plan.
“Our CBD is the entry point to the City for tourists and a place for the community to meet, do business or enjoy events,” he said.
“It’s important to keep breathing new life into the area, especially Chapman Road, and it’s very exciting to be able to test drive short-term changes that just might achieve this goal.
“The pilot project will make use of low-cost temporary materials such as tree planters, parklets, art, widened footpaths, pop-up bike lanes and an improved crossing to make a safer, more pedestrian friendly streetscape that adds vibrancy to the area.
“The results of this pilot could inspire changes to other areas of the CBD which have been highlighted for activation in the Revitalisation Plan,” he added.
RAC Group Executive Social and Community Impact Patrick Walker said RAC is proud to support projects which bring new energy and vibrancy to our communities.
“We are very excited to partner with the City of Greater Geraldton through our Reconnect WA initiative to bring this pilot project to life,” he said.
“A key priority of RAC’s Reconnect WA initiative is to inspire local residents and businesses to get involved in driving positive change in their local areas, so we’re thrilled the community has the opportunity to help shape this pilot project and any longer-term changes that may follow.”
To kick start the design process, members of the community are invited to share their ideas on activating the space by taking part in our Digital Ideas Competition. Everyone who takes part will go into the running to win one of four, $50 EFTPOS Cards. To share your ideas and enter the competition go to
Members of the community who aren’t online can submit their ideas in person at the City Civic Centre located at 63 Cathedral Avenue on Thursday 11 February between 9am-10am and on Tuesday 16 February from 2pm-3pm. Staff will be on hand at these times to assist with the online form.
The City is also seeking members of the community who would like to be involved in the design of the tactical activation. Register your interest in being part of this working party here
For more information on the Chapman Road Tactical Activation Pilot or CBD revitalisation projects the City has already completed visit the City’s website here
PICTURE CAPTION: A part of Chapman Road that will be activated in a 12 month long pilot project to turn the street into a place for people and not just cars.

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