Published on Monday, 22 January 2018 at 12:00:00 AM

Transformation of the Beresford Foreshore will soon continue with enhancement works on the popular stretch of coastline scheduled to begin in early February.
This next phase of the Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection and Enhancement Project will provide landscaping along the 1.8km long Foreshore, public facilities and the replacement of amenities lost to coastal erosion.
City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn said he was very pleased to have the continued support from the State Government for the next phase of the project, which will deliver many of the community’s aspirations for the area whilst supporting the local economy.
“We appreciate the ongoing support from Hon. Alannah MacTiernan Minister for Regional Development; Agriculture and Food for this legacy project that’s been on the books for almost 10 years,” he said.
The first stage of the Beresford Foreshore Project began in January 2017 and saw the extension of the Marina groyne and offshore breakwater, plus the construction of three shore based rock revetments to protect more than $55 million of State and Local Government infrastructure from coastal erosion.
“The success of the project can already be seen in the high usage of the area since being reopened to the public in November 2017,” Mayor Van Styn said.
“This number is set to grow once enhancement works are completed and the Foreshore can be fully utilised for a wide variety of recreational activities.
“The next phase enhancement designs were developed in close consultation with the community through a survey and number of workshops.
“The plans include their top priorities for the Foreshore which involve upgrading the shared coastal cycle path to a promenade, planting more trees and shrubs, and installing more shade structures, seating and tables,” Mayor Van Styn added.
With continued support from local Members for the Agricultural Region, Mayor Van Styn said big improvements are able to be made.
“Thanks to the continued support of Laurie Graham MLC and Darren West MLC, our local Members for the Agricultural Region, we are able to make some significant enhancements to the Mark Street and Adam Street nodes,” he said.
“Midalia’s Beach will also be greatly improved with the construction of a toilet block, an accessible carpark and a playground, designed with the assistance of the Community Playground Reference Group.
“The contract for the works was recently awarded to locally based civil contractor In-Situ Construction and Maintenance.
“This project will see millions of dollars invested in the local economy and will have flow on effects to other local businesses,” Mayor Van Styn added.
Local MP’s Laurie Graham and Darren West said they were pleased to support the completion of the foreshore works that began under the Gallop Labor Government.
“As well as providing the necessary improvements to the amenity of the area, the new works will also bring an economic boost to Geraldton and create local jobs,” they said.
The $23.1 million Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection and Enhancement Project is jointly funded by the State Government through its Royalties for Regions program, and the Mid West Ports Authority with the City contributing funding towards amenities.
More details on the project here
PICTURE CAPTION: City of Greater Geraldton Mayor Shane Van Styn (middle) is joined by Members for the Agricultural Region Darren West MLC (left) and Laurie Graham MLC at Midalia’s Beach to officially begin ‘earthworks’ on the second phase of the Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection and Enhancement Project.
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