Whitehill Road Community Workshop
In April 2016 high tides and strong swells undermined Whitehill Road in Drummond Cove forcing its closure.
In response to community concerns regarding the on-going erosion of Whitehill Road a community workshop was held on 18 May 2016 to inform the community of the Coastal Hazard Risk Management Adaptation Planning Process and to determine the preferred temporary solution to the erosion of Whitehill Road. More here
The community's preferred temporary solution was for sand nourishment. In July 500m3 of sand was placed along Whitehill Road.
Determining a permanent solution to the erosion will be part of Geraldton wide Coastal Adaptation Planning which takes a holistic approach by considering the entire urbanised coastline rather than isolated areas.

Erosion of Whitehill Road (left) and the resulting sand nourishment works (right).