23 October 2012 Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - 12:00 AM The agenda forum for this meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 16 October 2012, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton. The Council meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 23 October 2012, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Minutes Agenda Forum Minutes - 16 October 2012 (0.00 bytes) Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes - 23 October 2012 (0.00 bytes) Agenda Ordinary Meeting of Council Agenda - 23 October 2012 (0.00 bytes) Document CC083 - Attachment - Australia Day Awards Policy (0.00 bytes) CC084 - Report to be Received - Australia Day Meeting Minutes 13.09.12 (0.00 bytes) SC058A Attachment - Geraldton Airport Technology Park Structure Plan-web (0.00 bytes) SC058B - Attachment Schedule of Submissions Geraldton Airport Technology Park (2) (0.00 bytes) SC062A- Attachment - Municipal inventory Place Record 354 (0.00 bytes) SC062B- Attachment - Archival recording of Heritage Places Lot 9 Sanford Street, Geraldton (0.00 bytes) SC064 - Attachment - Residential Development Strategy (0.00 bytes) SC065A - Attachment - Amendment Report (0.00 bytes) SC065B - Attachment - ADSCS Letter (0.00 bytes) SCDD 068 - Reports - Delegated Determinations (0.00 bytes) SC063 -Attachment - Commercial Activity Centres Strategy (0.00 bytes) TF030 - Report -Monthly Financial Report for the Period Ending 30 September 2012- 2 (0.00 bytes) CEO010 Attachment - Christmas Retail Trading Hours (0.00 bytes) OP0017 - Draft Strategic Community Plan -Significant Strategic Matters - 23 October 2012 (0.00 bytes)