Proposed Closure of Pedestrian Accessway (Closed)

File Ref: RC107 & RO/11/0024

In 2015 the City received an application to close and dispose of the pedestrian accessway between Lots 63 (No. 9) and Lot 64 (No. 12) Craine Place, Spalding. This closure was not finalised through the Land Administration process. 

The pedestrian accessway closure has been requested to assist in the reduction of antisocial behaviour associated with the accessway. It is proposed to amalgamate the land contained within the pedestrian accessway with abutting Lot 63 (once finalised). Due to the period of time since the proposal was first initiated the proposal is now being readvertised.

Pursuant to Section 87 of the Land Administration Act (as amended), the City now seeks any comments and requirements you may have in relation to the proposed closure and disposal.

The Pedestrian Accessway Closure Report is also available for inspection during office hours at the Council offices, Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton.

Submissions should be made in writing and lodged with the Chief Executive Officer of the City of Greater Geraldton on or before 5.00pm Wednesday 4 August 2021.

Should you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the City’s Town Planning Services on (08) 9956 6900.

Contact Details

Name: Claire Krummenacher

Phone: (08) 9956 6922