Local Law Review (Closed)

The Proposed Local Laws may be inspected or obtained from the City offices during normal office hours, or by request, via email to council@cgg.wa.gov.au or telephone 08 9956 6600.

Submissions about the local laws may be made to the Chief Executive Officer City of Greater Geraldton by no later than 4pm on 13 July 2020, via email to council@cgg.wa.gov.au or in person at the City Administration office, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton, or the Mullewa Office, Cnr Thomas and Padbury Street Mullewa, during office hours, or by mail to City of Greater Geraldton, PO Box 101, Geraldton WA 6531.

Cats Local Law

The purpose of the local law to set a ‘standard number’ of cats that may be kept on premises. The effect is that persons must not keep more than the standard number of cats unless provided for by the local law, the Cat Act, or its associated Regulations.

Cemeteries Amendment Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to amend the City of Greater Geraldton Cemetery Local Law 2011 to allow assistance animals defined in section 9(2) of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) to accompany persons to cemeteries. The effect is that the City of Greater Geraldton Cemetery Local law 2011 is amended.

Dogs Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to make provisions about the confinement of dogs, control the number of dogs that can be kept on premises in the district, and to require removal of dog excreta. The effect is to extend the controls over dogs which exist under the Dog Act 1976 and Regulations.

Meeting Procedures Amendment Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to add provisions to allow different methods to lodge petitions with the City and to remove references to outdated legislation in the City of Greater Geraldton Meeting Procedures Local Law 2011. The effect is that the City of Greater Geraldton Meeting Procedures Local Law is amended.

Parking Amendment Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to amend the City of Greater Geraldton Parking and Parking Facilities Local law 2012 to reflect current Regulations regarding parking by persons with a disability, to provide for a minimum penalty for a breach of the local law, and to remove an offence for driving over a verge. The effect is that the City of Greater Geraldton Parking and Parking Facilities Local law 2012 is amended.

Pest Plants Amendment Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to add certain plants to, and remove two species from Schedule 1 of the City of Greater Geraldton Pest Plants Local Law 2011. The effect is that the plants added to the Schedule are prescribed as pest plants; and two are no longer prescribed.

Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to regulate the care, control and management of property of and under the care, control and management of the City including thoroughfares. The effect is that some City property is set  side for particular uses, some activities are allowed only under a permit or under a determination, and others are restricted or prohibited. The local law also establishes offences for inappropriate behaviour in or on City property.

Repeal Local Law

The purpose of the local law is to repeal outdated local laws whose provisions are dealt with by an Act, Regulation, other local law or are no longer required. The effect is that the local laws are repealed.

Waste Local Law 

The purpose of the local law is to regulate the storage, collection and disposal of waste and refuse from premises and on waste facilities in the City of Greater Geraldton. The effect is that unless otherwise authorised, the storage, collection and disposal of waste and refuse within the City of Greater Geraldton must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the local law.

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