Events Strategy (Closed)

The City is currently seeking community feedback on the Draft Events Strategy.

Events, celebrations, commemorations and festivals play an important role in Geraldton’s social and economic fabric. They can bring substantial new dollars into the economy, contributing to tourism, retail, hospitality, service and professional services, supporting local employment as well as the economy. Events can also build Geraldton’s profile and reputation as a great place to visit, live and invest.

Events bring communities together, providing entertainment and celebrating our heritage and special interests. They contribute to residents having a sense of pride in our community, as well as developing skills and learning or social connection opportunities for volunteers.

Once the Events Strategy is adopted by Council, it will provide the City of Greater Geraldton with a clear direction in relation to events held in the Greater Geraldton area.

If you would like to provide feedback on the Strategy please email the City

Read the Draft Events Strategy here

Image: Australia Day

Australia Day