Completed Coastal Adaptation Projects
John Batten Community Hall Seawall
Whitehill Road Geotextile Sand Container Groynes
Sunset Beach Geotextile Sand Container Groynes and Revetment
Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection and Enhancement Project
St Georges Beach Geotextile Sand Container Groyne
John Batten Community Hall Seawall
In 2021, an engineered rock sea wall was constructed in front of the John Batten Community Hall. It replaced the temporary rock embankment installed in 2010 to protect the facility from erosion caused by winter storms. More here
The works, which were funded by the State Government with funds remaining from the $600,000 the City received to construct a third Geotextile Sand Container groyne at Whitehill Road provide a more resilient revetment that will ensure the continued use of this popular community facility. More here
Image: Seawall at John Batten Community Hall

Whitehill Road Geotextile Sand Container Groynes
In July 2018, Council made the decision to construct two low-crest 40m long Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groynes on the Drummond Cove Foreshore to mitigate coastal erosion at Whitehill Road.
These groynes, which extend across the beach and into the ocean, have been designed to retain sand at Whitehill Road and reduce reliance on temporary sand nourishment operations. Works on the project were completed in December 2018. More here
In 2020, the City received funding from the WA Recovery Plan to address coastal erosion at Drummond Cove and constructed a third Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groyne at Whitehill Road and undertook sand nourishment of the foreshore. More here
Image: One of the three GSC groynes.

Sunset Beach Geotextile Sand Container Groynes and Revetment
The Sunset Beach Foreshore has been experiencing coastal erosion which has lead to the removal of City assets to prevent them from falling into the ocean.
The City engaged M P Rogers & Associates to investigate and provide advice on potential coastal adaptation options for Sunset Beach.
In November 2019, a 40m low-crest GSC groyne and 50m long GSC revetment were constructed at Triton Place will help retain an initial beach nourishment.
In March 2023, three additional 40m long low-crest GSC groynes, spaced 70m apart were constructed south of the existing groyne and revetment. An initial beach nourishment also took place.
In January 2024, three three additional 40m long low-crest GSC groynes, spaced 70m apart were constructed south of the existing groyne and revetment. An initial beach nourishment also took place.
More on all three projects here
Image: GSC groynes at Sunset Beach.

Beresford Foreshore Coastal Protection and Enhancement Project
In January 2017, work began on one of the City's largest capital works projects to date. Project works involved building a 100m long extension to the detached breakwater at Midalias Beach, a 45m long extension to the existing marina groyne and three shore based rock revetments between Mark Street and Mabel Street. Protection woks were completed in later that year. More here
The second stage, or Coastal Enhancement Works, which involved replacing amenities lost to coastal erosion over the years and landscaping works began in January 2018 and was completed in October 2018. More here
Image: Midalias Beach featuring groyne extensions and completed enhancement works.

Photo Credit: Luke Thompson
St Georges Beach Groyne
In mid 2016, the City installed a low level Geotextile Sand Container (GSC) groyne at the north end of the carpark to mitigate coastal erosion. These medium-terms works are complimented by the Mid West Ports Authority Northern Beaches Stabilisation Programme sand bypassing works. More here
Image: GSC groyne at St Georges Beach in Bluff Point.