Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning
The City of Greater Geraldton is facing the adverse impacts of coastal erosion and inundation on our coastlines. The vulnerability of land use and development within the coastal zone from these physical processes is expected to increase in the future. Whilst the scientific community has established that human-induced climate change is occurring, uncertainty remains about the magnitude and extent of the impacts. Despite the uncertainty, consideration of coastal hazards and the adaptation of appropriate planning responses can provide economic, environmental and social benefits.
Why should we adapt to Climate Change?
Why is sea level rise important?
Adapting to sea level rise
Options for adapting to erosion and inundation
Role of insurance in adaptation
Geraldton Coastal Erosion and Inundation Studies
The Geraldton CHRMAP Report
The Geraldton CHRMAP Report was adopted by Council on 27 November 2018.
Read the Report here
Next Steps in Adapting to Coastal Erosion and Inundation
Adapting to coastal erosion and inundation involves a process of developing a CHRMAP and then using the document to inform the development of a Local Coastal Planning Policy. Currently, the City is now in Stage 3 of a four Stage process to assist in adapting to climate change and rising sea levels. These final stages involve policy development which will guide actions to be taken when and if coastal assets become at risk to erosion or inundation.
View the PDF of the Flowchart below here

State Planning Policy SPP 2.6 State Coastal Planning Policy
The Western Australian Government State Planning Policy SPP 2.6 State Coastal Planning Policy provides guidance for land use development decision making within the coastal zone including managing development and land use change; the establishment of coastal foreshore reserves; and to protect, conserve and enhance coastal values. The policy recognises and responds to regional diversity in coastal types; requires that coastal hazard risk management and adaptation is appropriately planned; encourages innovative approaches to managing coastal hazards; and provides for public ownership of coastal foreshore areas.
The Policy also enables the community to inform the development of a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan via the community engagement process. More here
Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Planning (CHRMAP) Guidelines here