Bushfire Advisory Committee
The vision of the Bushfire Advisory Committee (BFAC) is to make the City of Greater Geraldton a safe community by managing the risk of fire through the delivery and implementation of fire prevention, preparedness, response and recovery strategies.
The objectives of the Committee are to advise the City and Council on matters relating to:
- Strategic actions on fire suppression, fire prevention and community education initiatives
- The implementation of outcomes contained in approved annual business plan for the Community Safety Business Unit
- Additional finance or resource needs
- The effective use of personnel, training, equipment, protective clothing and communication facilities.
The BFAC consists of the following representatives/officers:
- Chief Bush Fire Control Officer (Executive Officer)
- Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers
- Coordinator Emergency Management
- Councillors x 3
- Chief Executive Officer (or delegate)
- Brigade Captains (or delegates)
- Fire Control Officers
- Department of Fire and Emergency Services representatives
- Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service (Geraldton and Mullewa)
- WA State Department of Parks and Wildlife representatives
The Bushfire Advisory Committee (BFAC) was established pursuant to Section 67 of the Bush Fires Act 1954.
BFAC meetings are held quarterly on the second Wednesday of the third month in the quarter.
For more details on when and where the meetings are held please contact the Coordinator of Emergency Management on (08) 9956 6600.