Prepare a Development Application
Follow these steps to prepare a development application:
Step 1
Confirm that the planning framework allows you to develop your land in the way you wish to.
You can do that here.
Step 2
Prepare an outline of what you propose to do.
Step 3
Organise a pre-lodgement meeting to discuss your proposal with a member of the City’s town planning team.
You can make an appointment here.
You will be provided with the following information at a pre-lodgement meeting:
• The standards your application will need to meet,
• The information your application will need to include, and
• Details of the process your application will go through.
Step 4
Prepare your development application. You can access forms, checklists and information to assist you prepare your application here.
Make sure that your application meets the minimum information requirements. You can find out what those requirements are here.
When the City is assessing a development application is considers the following questions:
• Is it in the right location? E.g. Residential development in the residential zone will be in the right location.
• Is it in the right form? E.g. The building should be appropriately sited and designed.
• Have potential impacts been address? E.g. Noise levels are appropriately managed.
• Is the necessary infrastructure available? E.g. Urban development should be connected to transport, water, wastewater, drainage, telecommunication and electricity networks.
Make sure the information you include with your application addresses these questions.
Step 5
Lodge your development application. You can do that here.
Preparing a development application can be a complex task. A town planning consultant understands the planning system and can help you prepare an application that includes all of the relevant information.